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Customization of selectors in Java

Customization of selectors in Java

    When IIZI doesn’t provide a predefined function that is suitable, you can write Java code to return a boolean.

    To do so, create a class implementing the interface com.iizix.api.ISelectorExpression. If you click on the editor link create a new Java class, a wizard will help you to create the class.

    Example expression:

    { Java: "myapp.MySelector" }

    Sample of such a Java Expression:

    import com.iizix.prop.EnvProps;
    import com.iizix.prop.ISelectorExpression;
    import com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro;
    import com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro;
    public class MySelector implements ISelectorExpression {
      public boolean isSelected (EnvProps envProps) {
        AppSessionGyro appGyro = AppSessionGyro.getSessionInstance();
        ClientSessionGyro clientGyro = ClientSessionGyro.getSessionInstance();
        return false;

    From the envProps, you can reach mostly everything. These environment properties come from the end-user device. You can also grab an instance of the AppSessionGyro or ClientSessionGyro as shown above to access e.g. client or application states for more advanced expressions